为什么选择 MoinMoin
去年,我想使用 Wiki 来组织实验室一个课题的各类文档,于是在服务器上安装了 MediaWiki。用了一段时间,感觉 MediaWiki 虽然是一个非常优秀的 Wiki 引擎,但对我来说,它有些复杂,也许是因为我对 MediaWiki 的实现基础——PHP 与 MySQL 一向心存畏惧,这让我觉的除非我熟悉 PHP 和 MySQL,否则很难驾驭 MediaWiki。
后来当我看到 MoinMoin 的时候,感觉这就是我需要的。MoinMoin 的优点在于:
- 采用 Python 语言开发,而我对 Python 一向颇存好感;
- 使用文件系统来管理页面,而非数据库,这样可能在页面存储与读取效率要低一些,但是让页面作为磁盘上一份又一份的文件,这让我这样不熟悉数据库操作的人有能力控制每一个页面的细节,同时也能够轻易地对页面进行备份、恢复;
- 容易创建多份 Wiki 实例,基于此可以很轻易地实现 Wiki Farm;
- 界面样式容易定制。
于是,我将实验室服务器上的 MediaWiki 卸掉,因为也没有积攒多少有价值的知识条目;然后毫不犹豫地装上了 MoinMoin,具体的安装过程可以参考我的一篇日志 《MoinMoin 安装简明指南》以及 MoinMoin 官方的安装说明文档。
MoinMoin 对 TeX 的支持
装上 MoinMoin 之后,随之而来的问题就是该如何支持数学公式,因为课题的文档中需要输入大量的数学公式。谈到在网页中浏览与编辑数学公式,这是让很多人都头疼的一个问题,要对这一问题有深刻的理解,请阅读 Michael Juntao Yuan 的《构建含有数学内容的动态网站》。总之,目前的现状是在 Blog 或 Wiki 的服务器端充分利用数学排版的事实标准——TeX 系统及其排版标记语言是解决数学内容的 Web 发布最为经济的解决方案。
在使用 MediaWiki 期间,曾经按照其安装说明文档添加了 TeX 数学公式语法解析功能,虽然不尽人意,但也勉强够用。查了一些资料,发现 MoinMoin 也支持 TeX 语法解析,需要安装 Johannes 写的 Latex Parser 插件。MoinMoin 的 LaTeX Parser 固然也很好用,但是它存在着 MediaWiki 的 TeX 语法解析功能同样的缺点:
- 不支持像 PDFTeX 这样更为现代的 TeX 引擎;
- 只支持 LaTeX 语法,而我更喜欢 ConTeXt,因为后者除了便于输入数学公式,也方便在 Wiki 页面上使用 MetaPost 绘制精确矢量图形;
上述的两个缺点可以很容易基于 Johannes 的 Latex Parser 插件来解决,而且这也是本文重点讲述的内容。
另外附带打个广告,现在我所使用的这个 Is-Programmer Blog 也是支持 TeX 语法解析的,可以试用一下。
对 Johannes 的 Latex Parser 插件进行 quick & dirty 的 hack
下面的脚本是我对 Johannes 的 LaTeX Parser 进行 hack 的结果。tex-parser.py 脚本可以调用 texexec 编译 Wiki 中出现的 ConTeXt 语法,生成临时的 PDF 文档,然后调用 ImageMagick 软件包中的 convert 工具将 PDF 文档转换为背景透明的 png 图片,最后将 png 图片嵌入到 MoinMoin 生成的 HTML 页面。tex-macro.py 脚本为 MoinMoin 提供了行内 ConTeXt 语法解析的宏。
将所下载的 tex-parser.py 文件复制到 Wiki 实例目录下的 data/plugin/parser 目录下,改名为 tex.py;将所下载的 tex-macro.py 文件复制到 Wiki 实例目录下的 data/plugin/macro 目录下,改名为 tex.py;将这两份 tex.py 文件的用户及用户组设为 apache,并将访问权限设为 660。这些步骤完毕后,重启 apache 即可启用 tex parser 与 tex macro 插件,不过前提是你的系统须满足以下条件:
- 操作系统是 Linux,虽然在 Windows 下也可以实现,但我觉得那是戴着枷锁跳舞;
- 已安装较新的 TeX 发行套件,譬如 TeX Live 2007,要求是该 TeX 发行套件必须包含 ConTeXt 环境;
- 已安装 ImageMagick 软件包,这是类 Unix 系统中非常强大的图像处理工具,但真正令很多人害怕的不是它的功能强大,而是因为它的用户交互界面是命令行;
- 已安装 ghostscript,因为要用它将 ConTeXt 生成的一些 eps 文档转换为 pdf 文档。
上述的 TeX Live、ImageMagick、ghostscript 软件包,都可以从对应 Linux 发行版的软件仓库中安装。
如何在 MoinMoin Wiki 中使用 ConTeXt 语法解析器
在安装了 TeX Parser 与 TeX Macro 插件的 MoinMoin Wiki 中,TeX 语法的形式可以分为:行内语法与行间语法。行内语法是利用 TeX Macro 调用 TeX Parser 将 ConTeXt 语法解析结果(即 png 图片)显示在当前行内,而行间语法是直接调用 TeX Parser 将 TeX 语法解析结果独立为一个段落显示。
TeX 行内语法的解析示例:<<tex(\sum_{p\rm\;prime}f(p) = \int_{t>1}f(t)\,d\pi(t))>>
MoinMoin 对其进行处理的结果如下图所示:
{{{#!tex $$ \sum_{p\rm\;prime}f(p) = \int_{t>1}f(t)\,d\pi(t) $$ }}}
由于 ConTeXt 通过 MetaFun 完美地将 MetaPost 融入到 ConTeXt 文档中,因此 MoinMoin 在支持 ConTeXt 语法解析的前提下,对 MetaPost 的支持也就是自然而然的了。ConTeXt 的 MetaFun 代码在 MoinMoin Wiki 的 TeX 语法标记中应当置于 \startMPcode ... \stopMPcode 标记中,格式如下:
{{{#!tex \startMPcode path p ; p := fullsquare scaled 2cm randomized .5cm ; drawpath p ; drawpoints p ; p := (p shifted (5cm,0)) squeezed .5cm ; drawpath p ; drawpoints p ; \stopMPcode }}}
在 MetaPost 图形中也可以使用中文,因为 ConTeXt 自 1999 年开始对中文的支持就非常友好。如下例:
{{{#!tex \startMPcode drawarrow origin--(0,100); drawarrow origin--(100,0); drawdot origin withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor red; label.bot(btex 原点 etex, origin) withcolor red; label.lft(btex $y$ etex, (0,100)); label.lrt(btex $x$ etex, (100,0)); \stopMPcode }}}
MoinMoin 是功能强大的 Wiki 引擎,TeX 作为数学论文排版的事实标准,在数学内容的 Web 发布困难的现状下,在 MoinMoin Wiki 系统中融入 ConTeXt 语法解析是很有意义的事,因为无论是数学公式的输入,还是矢量图形的绘制,ConTeXt 都能取得精美的效果。本文对 MoinMoin 的 ConTeXt 语法解析器的实现是基于 Johannes 的 LaTeX Parser 插件实现的,插件代码没有进行合理、规范的组织,下一步打算将 ConTeXt 语法解析单独抽离出来,然后在 MoinMoin 的 ConTeXt Parser 插件中调用它,许多实现的细节将在本 Blog 的其他文章中讲述。
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2025年2月02日 21:36
That’s why if you’re thinking about scrapping a car, think us More Cash For Scrap!We Pay MORE Cash for Scrap Cars in Vancouver The city of Vancouver is one of our largest scrap car removal regions. We have made many clients happy over the years by offering the best customer service. Along with paying TOP CASH for junk cars, it’s made us #1
2025年2月02日 21:37
You also don’t need to put effort into creating an ad on Craigslist or Facebook, only to get a bunch of inquiries that don’t generate an actual sale of your junk vehicle.More Cash For Scrap is your best choice for scrap car removal in Vancouver. We always offer MORE cash for scrap cars than any other junk car removal company in Vancouver. That’s because we have been in the scrap car buying industry longer than anyone else, and we know how to get MORE out of your car when we recycle it. If you want the fastest and most profitable solution to selling your car, truck, SUV, or van, you want More Cash For Scrap.Call Us for Free Scrap Car Pick Up in Vancouver Free Towing Services VancouverWe are ready to earn your scrap car removal business! Unlike other scrappers, we love making our customers happy. As a result, we have become Vancouver‘s#1 scrap car removal service. We take pride in what we do, and customer service is always our top priority.
2025年2月02日 21:37
So, what we say you’re getting paid, is what you’re actually getting paid.If you make me an offer, is there a timeframe that might change that offer? Metal prices fluctuate so it’s best to book pickup as soon as possible, but we are flexible and can work with you on a reasonable timeframe.Do I need to have my ICBC insurance papers to sell my car? No, you don’t. There is a simple solution to that and we take care of all the paperwork, so just get in touch with us and let us know ahead of time.Can you purchase my car if there is a lien on it? Unfortunately, no. If you have any outstanding debts on your scrap vehicle, you would have to have it settled before we could buy it.Do I have to be present at the pickup? No, we can arrange everything over the phone provided we see proof of valid photo identification, and our payment can be sent by etransfer if needed.Can I sell an abandoned car? Unfortunately, no.
2025年2月02日 21:39
You won’t even have to haggle over the price because we are notorious for always paying MORE! Plus, with our same day vehicle pickup, scrap car removal has never been easier. Find out why we are Vancouver’s favourite scrap car removal company since 2005.How to Get Rid of Old Car for Cash If you’ve been wondering how to get rid of an old car for cash, wonder no more! More Cash For Scrap are the experts at scrapping old cars for cash! We can make the process of selling a scrap car quick and easy.Just give us a call, or send us a text to get the ball rolling.
2025年2月02日 21:39
If it’s been in an accident or two (or three), or has been beaten up while off-roading, we’ll buy it. Or if it’s got an electrical problem that no one can get to the bottom of, we’ll pay you cash for it. We are the scrap car removal experts, which is why we buy literally anything and everything from our customers.What We Are Looking to Buy: Vehicles with mechanical issues Cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans with electrical problems Vehicles with collision damage ICBC write-offs Vehicles with or without the catalytic converter Vehicles with interior damage due to floods, fire, mold, and mildew Commuter cars with REALLY high kilometres Damaged and worn out work vehicles of any kindEven if the vehicle you’re scrapping is from out of the province or out of the country, we’ll buy it.
2025年2月02日 21:40
We Support Other Local Vancouver Companies: We fully support other local Vancouver based businesses. We live and work in Vancouver and exclusively utilize Vancouver scrap dealers, metal recyclers, vancouver salvage yards and car recyclers. This way we process your car in the most efficient and environmentally responsible manner. This way we get the most out of the cars we’re scrapping, while strengthening our bonds with other small businesses in the community.5.Eco-Friendly Car Recycling : We follow municipal and provincial laws when we recycled cars for cash.
2025年2月02日 21:43
Especially if all you want is MORE cash and simple scrap car removal in Vancouver.Then, we’ll arrange a day and time for our free towing service to come remove your vehicle.Often times, we can arrange it for the same day if you’d like. Also, our scrap knowledge means you will get the best price for your car. So, you should choose to recycle your car for cash with us! You may even be sitting on a hidden gem and not even know it.Trust the Experts to Scrap Your Car for MORE Cash That’s why you need to trust the experts, and we ARE the experts in scrap car removal services in Vancouver! No one knows how to get the most out of scrapping cars for cash than we do. That’s why we offer top cash paid for all scrap vehicles
2025年2月02日 21:44
Also, our cash for scrap knowledge means you will get the best price for your scrap car when you choose to recycle your car with us. You may even be sitting on a hidden junker gem and not even know it.What Happens to My Car After I Recycle It? recycling-metal-scrap-autoOnce you finally decide to sell your car to us, we make sure that it gets recycled in the most ethical way possible. Aside from this, we make every effort to ensure that before it gets trashed, every single part that can be recycled, is. Each car we scrap goes through a 3 step process before reaching its final destination. That’s why the best option to recycle a car in Vancouver is More Cash For Scrap!Depollution Every vehicle gets all the fluids drained from it. Chemicals that are contained in your cars engine can be very harmful to the environment. So, we make sure that it’s properly drained and flushed before moving on to step 2.
2025年2月02日 21:46
We’ll get some details about your vehicle, and then make you and INSTANT cash offer. If you accept, we’ll book a day and time for our scrap car removal team to come and collect your car. Our drivers pay you in cash before leaving with your vehicle.Stop wondering how to get rid of old car for cash, and think More Cash For Scrap! Your unwanted vehicle removal solution.Proudly Providing Scrap Car Removal in All of Vancouver’s Communities We have been serving the Vancouver area since 2005.
2025年2月02日 21:47
From complete junkers to slightly used vehicles still in great condition and everything in between.How Much Cash Can I Get for My Scrap Car? We know how much a vehicle can mean to a person. After all, we’re car owners too. However, what you think your car is worth nay be very different than it’s actual value. When a vehicle gets priced, it often doesn’t factor in all the work that’s gone into maintaining it.When we’re talking about scrap cars, they typically sell for between $100 – $600. This is because they usually have major mechanical issues that render them undrivable. Or at the very least, in need of some hefty repair bills
2025年2月02日 21:48
Plus, we pay MORE cash for scrap cars than anyone else in the junk car buying industry. Since 2005, Vancouver clients have trusted us for all of their scrap car removal needs to us. And when you have connections with local businesses like we do, you’re guaranteed to get top dollar. That’s why you should choose to recycle your car with More Cash For Scrap. It’s why we can proudly say that nobody pays MORE cash for scrap cars than we do!
2025年2月02日 22:41
Top Cash Paid for Scrap Vehicles in Vancouver More Cash For Scrap Cars We make selling your car quick and easy. Not only that, it’s MORE profitable than if you sell it to any other scrap car buyer in Vancouver. We specialize in providing scrap car removal services in Vancouver, and have for over 20 years. We also provide accident vehicle removals, free scrap car pickup, unwanted vehicle removal, and cash for your junk cars services.When you’ve been in the business as long as we have, it’s easy to pay MORE cash for junk vehicles.
2025年2月02日 22:41
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2025年2月02日 22:41
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2025年2月02日 22:43
You would have to be the legal registered owner.After I arrange a pickup time, what should I do? Remove all your valuable belongings before we arrive. Please also remove valid license plates, they need to be returned to ICBC in order to cancel your insurance. If the car is parked anywhere other than private property, leave the license plates on until our driver arrives and he will be happy to remove them for you. If the plates have expired, they can be recycled with the car.What if I change my mind about pickup? No problem! Just make sure you give us fair notice so that our truck hasn’t already been dispatched to your location. If you are cancelling because you have been given a more substantial offer, let us know! In most cases we are prepared to match or beat your other offer.
2025年2月02日 22:43
You can’t do good business without good customers, and we have the best. It’s because we have such a great following that we are the #1 scrap car removal company in Vancouver. Our team of scrap car buyers are friendly, honest, and dedicated. They do their best to work effectively and efficiently to save you time, while getting you MORE money.3.Transparent CASH Offers: We take the time to explain where the value lies in your scrap auto. That’s because a lot of times, our customers are completely unaware of how much cash they could really get for their vehicle.
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2025年2月02日 22:45
Plus, we pay MORE cash for scrap cars than anyone else in the junk car buying industry. Since 2005, Vancouver clients have trusted us for all of their scrap car removal needs to us. And when you have connections with local businesses like we do, you’re guaranteed to get top dollar. That’s why you should choose to recycle your car with More Cash For Scrap. It’s why we can proudly say that nobody pays MORE cash for scrap cars than we do!
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2025年2月02日 22:45
If it’s been in an accident or two (or three), or has been beaten up while off-roading, we’ll buy it. Or if it’s got an electrical problem that no one can get to the bottom of, we’ll pay you cash for it. We are the scrap car removal experts, which is why we buy literally anything and everything from our customers.What We Are Looking to Buy: Vehicles with mechanical issues Cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans with electrical problems Vehicles with collision damage ICBC write-offs Vehicles with or without the catalytic converter Vehicles with interior damage due to floods, fire, mold, and mildew Commuter cars with REALLY high kilometres Damaged and worn out work vehicles of any kindEven if the vehicle you’re scrapping is from out of the province or out of the country, we’ll buy it.